Weekly Announcements - 08.18.2024
reGeneration Sunday Service | Sundays at 11:30 am | Sanctuary & Online
August 25th: Pastor Joseph
September 1st: Pastor Sam
reGen Sunday School | Sundays at 9:45 am | Fellowship Hall & Online
reGen Sunday School is studying Francis Chan’s Forgotten God book. With solid scriptural support, the series seeks to infuse Christian lives with the presence of the Holy Spirit in profound ways. tinyurl.com/reGenSS
reGen Prayer Meeting | Wednesday at 8 pm | Online
Please join us on Wednesday 08/21 for the Adult Sunday School. tinyurl.com/reGenPrayer
Recruiting reGen Kids and Nursery Co-workers
We are looking for youth and adults who would like to serve as Sunday School teachers, Youth helpers, and Nursery co-workers for the Fall and in the future. Please contact Fran for more information if interested.
A/V Team Coworkers needed!
New A/V volunteers will be trained, including Youth. If interested, please see Victor Wang or Kevin Liaw.
CCCNJ external building maintenance project | Starting 8/19 Monday
lease DO NOT use the front entrance of the CCCNJ main building. The external building maintenance project includes repairing, cleaning and waterproofing of the front wall, the front entrance, and the stairway.